As my first post, it’s only fitting to welcome everyone to my website and explain what this blog will include in the future. I’m gearing up for my last round of fieldwork out in the Yellowstone area for my dissertation research on large carnivore conflicts. I will be updating this website and my blog as I carry out the remainder of my interviews, observations, and treks from Jackson Hole through to Bozeman. Be sure to check back for pictures, comments, and travel logs if you want to follow what I’ve been up to. I’ll also include information on this blog about upcoming conferences, lectures, and events that I’m involved with. If you’re ever interested in seeing more photos or learning more about something I’ve posted, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I leave for Montana on the 11th of July, and until then, be sure to take a look at past photos and projects of mine. If anything grabs you or you want to know more, be sure to get in touch.