Monthly Archives: July 2014


Research, Outdoor, Adventures, and Yellowstone

Taking a break from my daily schedule of interviewing, hiking, and exploring, today seemed like a good day to check in.  Having been out here in the GYE for a little while now, I'm amazed that I still find myself surprised and elated with what I encounter on my various travels.  I've been bouncing from town to town doing interviews with people from different backgrounds, trying to make sure I hear from as many

By |2021-04-06T16:51:53+00:00July 29th, 2014|Montana|

Flying D, Black Bear Dens, Howling Wolves…and Me.

The past couple days at the Flying D ranch were at once surreal and terrifically exciting.  We left U of M and drove down to the Flying D ranch, one of Ted Turner's 15 Western U.S. Ranches (makes my small Queens apartment seem absurd).  This ranch and his others are special in that they're designated as what (Montana State Senator) Mike Phillips calls a 'wild working landscape.'  In other words, the bison ranching done

By |2021-04-06T16:28:12+00:00July 18th, 2014|Montana|

Arrivals, NACCB 2014

Despite an early morning wake up of 3am and a series of turbulent flights, I managed to make it to Bozeman on Friday the 11th for the start of my summer field season.  Bumpy starts aside, there’s a very interesting experience that happens to me whenever I fly to this area of the West.  I’ll be looking out the window at the puffs of clouds, occasionally seeing the long plots of land that look like

By |2021-04-06T17:09:15+00:00July 13th, 2014|Montana|
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